
Photo of a banner from the Hardest Hit March in 2011 featuring the message "we're being shafted by the government" - with the word shafted written in braille.

The Hardest Hit campaign is organised jointly by the Disability Benefits Consortium (DBC) and the UK Disabled People’s Council.

About the DBC

The Disability Benefits Consortium (DBC) is a national coalition of over 50 different charities and other organisations committed to working towards a fair benefits system. Using our combined knowledge, experience and direct contact with disabled individuals and carers, we seek to ensure government policy reflects and meets the needs of all disabled people.

About UK Disabled People’s Council

UKDPC was first established in 1981 as the British Council of Disabled People, to be the umbrella body for disabled people’s organisations across the United Kingdom. They believe in, and strive for, the full inclusion of disabled people in society and the workplace. UKDPC membership includes over 300 local, regional and national disabled people’s organisations.

Further Information

Organisations supporting the Hardest Hit
Hardest Hit campaigning in 2011