Our Message

Photo of Hardest Hit Campaigners at an event in Bristol, October 2011

Disabled people continue to be the hardest hit by cuts to benefits and services. Yet the savings the Government is making are much smaller than it claims; it’s hemorrhaging millions and must change its approach.

Disabled people want to be part of the UK’s recovery; to work; contribute to their communities and lead independent lives. However the Government is preventing this, by making the wrong decisions and placing so many hurdles in our way.

There are choices to be made over the next twelve months and the Government must get these right. Disabled people are at a tipping point, so the Government must carefully scrutinise welfare reforms to monitor their impact on disabled people, and must rule out targeting disabled people in the next Budget and Spending Review.

Getting this wrong will be very costly both to disabled people and to wider society.

‘The Tipping Point’ Campaign Report

The new Hardest Hit report, ‘The Tipping Point’, brings together a survey of over 4,500 disabled people, a poll of more than 350 independent welfare advisors, and more than 50 in-depth interviews with disabled people with varying conditions and impairments.

More information about ‘The Tipping Point’ and links to download the report

Our call to action for the Government

The Hardest Hit coalition is calling on the Government to rule out targeting disabled people for further spending cuts in the next Budget and Comprehensive Spending Review.

The Government has some urgent decisions to make. It isn’t saving the money it predicts it will by targeting disabled people; it’s haemorrhaging millions and must change its approach. The coalition wants the Government to:

  • Learn from the mistakes it made with WCA and ensure the assessment for PIP is as fair and as clear as possible to avoid costly tribunals, more anxiety and ill health
  • Get Universal Credit (UC) right, ensuring disabled people don’t lose out on vital income in the transition to UC
  • Provide a lasting solution to the crisis in social care which has endured years of chronic underfunding.

Key Statistics

PIP Assessment Provider Pledges